Walking around Chisinau, the capital city of Moldova : MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF

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Walking around Chisinau, the capital city of Moldova


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Walking around Chisinau, the capital city of Moldova

Località: Chisinau
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Since ancient times' the sweet hills of the historic region Bessarabiana have attracted the interest of many foreign nations that for its scenic beauty, the fertility 'of the soil and climate tempered by its proximity to the Black Sea decided to settle in its territory.
Precisely for this reason and for its strategic geographic position in south-east Europe, Moldova is one of the most 'beautiful examples of multi-ethnicity' of Europe.
The territory is mostly flat in the north, from gentle rolling hills in the middle and irregular in its southern side.


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Tour of city

Chisinau, the capital, and it 'the exact geographic center of which converge on all the main traffic and the City' is located along the river Bi'ce has a population of over 752,000 inhabitants in its urban districts 5 an area of 120 sq. km.
Considered one of the greenest cities in Europe, Chisinau offers architectural monuments of rare and artistic value mainly erected during the czarist era with the help of virtuoso Italian masters and later also in the Soviet period.
A visit to the city of Chisinau is indispensable starting point for the majestic statue of Stefan cel Mare dell'omonimo located at the park.
This place is the heart of the city center and the main meeting point for the usual inhabitants of Chisinau.
Until 1991 the statue of Lenin occupied the base on which now rests the statue of Prince and Santo Stefan cel Mare also known as the hero of the liberation struggle of Ottoman dall'invasore.
The namesake park that stretches behind the monument is undoubtedly the most beautiful and best preserved of the city.
Inside is a beautiful fountain (closed during winter) and various statues of poets and writers Romanians and Russians.
Leaving the park along the driveway of the statue through the Bulevard Stefan cel Mare and come up the Opera House and Ballet sovietica memory.
The front yard has just been rebuilt and equipped with two lighted fountains dancing during the evening offers a very suggestive.
From this place we can admire the imposing Presidential Palace also known as the "glass palace" by the inhabitants of the capital.
Returning on Bulevard Stefan cel Mare and overcoming the same name there statue overlooks the square of the Great National gathering (Piata Marii Adunari Nationale) where until the early 90's were held military parades and the speeches of communist leaders of the USSR
On this square stands the huge gigantic Palace of the Government of Moldova (former home of the Communist Party of Moldova RSS) and opposite the Arc de Triomphe was built in 1840 by architect I. Zauschevici in commemoration of the victory of the Tsarist troops against invading turkish.
Behind dell'Arco the structure stands in the classic style of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of the Birth of Our Lord, consisting of a central body and a bell tower with a separate work, originally Abraam Melnicov that the architect designed it and the end in 1836. The whole work was destroyed several times in various armed conflicts, so the existing structure is the result of reconstruction
ended on 25 August 1996 by the will of the Moldovan President Mircea Snegur.
The cathedral is surrounded by a flowered park where, in the weekends and during major occasions of state and religion, is a colorful set of the local marketplace.
On the side of the park alongside the road Banulescu-Bodoni is the largest outdoor flower market is open 24 hours a day, where the stalls are there for a length of 200 meters.
Crossing back into the park take the diagonal Bulevard Stefan cel Mare that from here on the east extends for another 3 kilometers.
The first building worthy of mention is certainly the Palazzo del Municipio (Primary Chisinaului) built in 1902 by the architects M. Elladi and A. Bernardazzi.
The building was built in Venetian Gothic style and shows a peak in the tower with the clock.
Opposite the City Hall building is located in the circular of the post office.
Continuing the walk along the Bulevard are of the Hall (Sala cu Orga), built in the'20s and miraculously escaped the bombing of the Second World War.
Building in classical style / romantic room has a body made up of tube 3000 with an exceptional resonance.
To the side of the room, in a tiny but lovely park, stands the "Vernisaj", the marketplace of art and craft piu 'bello in town, this is much better to buy your souvenirs and memories of the city.
On the other side of "Vernisaj" stand the imposing columns of the "Mihai Eminescu National Theater."
Continuing on Bulevard up to modern building "Moldtelecom" we can turn left on Strada Armeana or a po 'piu' giu 'on the road and enter the Bulgarian market multicolored Farmer Central kolkosiano the former market of the city.
Leaving from and returning to the market Bulevard after another 100 meters UNIC reach the stores that were built in Soviet times and are still the most 'great commercial space throughout Moldova.
Cross the big intersection formed by the meeting between the Bulevard and Izmail Road underpass using a comfortable, animated by an infinite number of small kiosks and street vendors, are still walking at the end of the long course.
Already by this point we can see the high column monument to Lottatori and Liberatori which is located right at the intersection between the Bulevard Stefan cel Mare and C. Negruzzi dell'Indipendenza on Piazza (formerly Piazza della Libertà).
This monument was erected in the year 1969 as a tribute to the Red Army in Moldova in 1944 freed the Nazi-Fascist occupation.
Side of the square are the National and Chisinau hotels. The latter, built in 1960, deserves special mention for its architectural structure and the restaurant "Crama" furnished like a cellar of traditional Moldovan wine.
From here begins the Bulevard Negruzzi that we completely up to the roundabout for about 500 meters, this elegant course based offices of major airlines and travel agencies.
Come to the roundabout can admire, on the left, the equestrian monument erected in memory of the Grigore Kotovski; Soviet military leader and Communist activist Moldovan rebelled twice czarist domain. Behind the monument is located the Hotel Cosmos.
After the roundabout entering the Yuri Gagarin Bulevard that leads us to the train station built in 1948 and recently restored.
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